Weed Control

Chuck Butterfield, PhD, CPRM, and BWR resident has put together an informational document for us on the weeds we need to control on our property here on The Wheel. Click here to learn more about the weeds you should eradicate from your property.


Fire Prevention Information

The Alpine Area Wildfire Protection Coalition has completed a fire hazard severity report for Broken Wheel Ranch. They have also developed materials to help area landowners be aware of and prepared for wildfire. You can learn (a lot) more by reading this brochure and watching this video.


Living With Smoke in the Greater Yellowstone Area (video)


American Lung Association - Living with Wildfire Smoke (video)


Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality in the Greater Yellowstone Area (brochure)


For current information on the wildfire outlook for our region, visit the National Signifcant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook page of the National Interagency Coordination Center website.