News & Information

  2/6/2025, 11:01am



Our water emergency is over; the storage tanks are fully recovered to a safe level and water will no longer be shut off. Please continue to use water judiciously and conservatively. Thank you for your cooperation.


***2025 Dues***

We increased the dues last fall because of the increase cost of winter road maintenance. Our dues are now $1600 a year. Realizing the impact of this increase on our owners, we have three payment options: (1) you may pay your dues in one lump sum of $1600, (2) two payments of $800 each, or (3) four payments of $400 each. In order to make this work, we need the first payment by February 1, 2025, with each remaining payment due the first of each consecutive month; the final payment for the $400 plan would be due May 1, 2025. If you are paying the full total of $1,600 in one check, we need the check by February 1, 2025.

Please give our POA treasurer, Ada Austin, a call if you have any questions (307-883-1781 (home landline)). Please make your checks payable to Broken Wheel Ranch POA. You may drop the checks off at the Austin house at 348 Hawthorn Drive or send them to our mailing address listed at the top left of this web page.


BWR ISD 2025 Election Results

Our election results were certified to Lincoln County on January 24, 2025. Thank you to our members who sent in their ballots. BWR ISD Board members are as follows:
Peggy Gwin, President (2-year term expires in January 2027)
Dawn Manfredi, Treasurer (2-year term expires in January 2027)
Dorrene BrownButterfield, Secretary (4-year term expires in January 2029)


Snow Removal on The Wheel

KJs Services starts its snow removal route in Etna at 1am and moves north; they usually get to us between 3 and 4am. FYI: If they come twice on the same day, we will be charged extra for the second trip.
For those of you looking for driveway snow removal this year, KJs Services does provide that. You can contact them at 307-248-8224 to set up a consultation for an estimate.
Annual BWR POA Meeting

The 2024 annual POA meeting was held on Tuesday, August 13. Minutes are available via the link on the left. The 2025 annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 12, 7pm at 99 Chokecherry Drive (Mark's new house should be done!).


Building on The Wheel

Just a head's up to all Wheel folks: There will be construction on the Wheel this coming summer for both homes and the well project. There will be times roads are blocked, water is shut off, and a lot is happening - but it will all be worth it in the end.


BWR Improvement & Service District

You will find all the information on the ISD and the well project (current and historical) and meeting materials from all the ISD's public meetings on the BWR ISD web page linked in the lefthand navigation column.


January 2025:

* We had a 50% meeting with Sunrise Engineering and WWDO. The 50% plans met the approval of the WWDO staff. The updated timeline is as follows:

Final plans complete - Feb. 7

DEQ Submittal - Feb. 21

Advertisement of project bid - Apr. 2 (date dependent upon DEQ approval)

* An emergency Board meeting was held on Jan. 24 to set the new board make-up to enable us to update the bank account signatories, and Resolution 2025-1 was approved changing the names of Board contact people for the project.


December 2024:

* We received an additional $85,669 in ARPA funding, bringing the total of our ARPA grant to $535,669, with an extension for the time to spend it to October 1, 2026.


November 2024:

* Our request for $300,000 more in grant funds from WWDC was approved at the WWDC Nov. meeting; it will be submitted with such funding requests to the 2025 Legislature in the Omnibus Water Bill and should be approved in March.


October 2024:

* Bid-opening meeting was held; only one bid was received and it was rejected as being too high (it came in almost 2x higher than the projected costs). The entire project will be combined (no more Phases 1 and 2) and re-bid in February 2025, with projected start date to remain Spring 2025.

* Confirmation from ARPA was received that we will be able to keep all of our remaining ARPA funding. We are also asking the WWDC for $300,000 in additional funding and a timeline change from July 2025 to July 2026.


September 2024:

* Pre-bid meeting was held and those in attendance toured the construction site.


August 2024:

* 90% meeting with WWDO on Phase 1. Plans to advertise for bids on Phase 1 of the project later in August. This is the projected schedule (from Sunrise) for Phase 1 (pump house, storage tank all on Lot 1):

  • Permit request submitted to DEQ – 07/23/2024
    • It appears the new Regional Engineer is reviewing projects a lot quicker and hopefully we will have a response within 2 weeks of submittal.
    • If the full 60 days are used in review, our Permit to Construct will arrive just before the Bid Opening
  • 90% WWDC/SRF Review – 08/08/2024
  • Advertise Project – 08/21/2024, 08/28/2024, 09/04/2024
  • Pre-Bid – 09/10/2024
  • Bid Opening – 09/24/2024
  • Notice of Award – 09/27/2024
  • Signed Agreement – 10/27/2024

July 2024:

* The pump test was successful, the water test results are in and good, and we will be moving forward with the RFP for half of the rest of the project as soon as possible, with the RFP for the other half of the project projected for October - with all actual construction to be done beginning in Spring 2025.


July 2024:

*The pump test was successful, the water test results are in and good, and we will be moving forward with the RFP for half of the rest of the project as soon as possible, with the RFP for the other half of the project projected for October - with all actual construction to be done beginning in Spring 2025.


June 2024:

*Budget meeting was held 6/27; tax assessment will remain at $450 per lot per year, and water rates will remain at $50 per month. Final test results of the new well water will be posted when available. Final test results of the new well water will be posted when available. The new well should be permitted at 30gpm. Bids on the work will happen this summer, but the actual construction of things will not happen until next spring/summer.

*Drilling is complete and a pump test will be run 6/7 and 6/8.


May 2024:

* Well drilling is happening! We should know before mid-June if the well drilled produces a quantity the State will accept. Fingers crossed!

* The leak in the main distribution line near the Sorenson property was repaired by BWR ISD and all costs associated with said leak were borne by the ISD.


April 2024:

* Legal issues have been worked out, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed, and the test well drilling portion of well project is scheduled to begin May 13, 2024.


September 2023:

* Due to ongoing legal delays and our driller's need to fill his schedule this Fall, the drilling has been rescheduled to Spring 2024. At that time all easements should be in place, and drilling should be able to commenced unencumbered.


June 2023:

* A public meeting was held June 29 to set the FY24 tax assessment (which will remain at $450 per lot) and adopt the FY24 Proposed Budget. Meeting materials are available on the BWR ISD web page. We are planning to drill the test well in the fall.


May 2023:

* Weather and other factors precluded drilling in May and our driller's schedule was already full for later months. We should be able to drill in late summer/early fall, assuming no supply issues arise.


April 2023:

* We received the signed ARPA grant papers back from the State. We will be meeting with the well driller and WWDO soon to get things figured out re: drilling the test well and moving forward.


January 2023:

* We received the official grant papers for our $450,000 ARPA grant. They have been signed and returned to the State; we expect to receive a copy of the fully-signed ARPA grant soon.

Also, we got the loan portion of our funding extended to the same timeframe as the WWDO grant (to Nov. 2024).


November 2022:

* Our request to extend the timeline of our project by 24 months was approved by the Wyoming Water Development Commission at their November meeting.


October 2022:

* Our request for $450,000 in ARPA grant funding was approved by the Wyoming State Lands & Investments Board on Oct. 27. These additional funds will aid us greatly in getting our project completed in the coming year(s).


September 2022:

* A "Notice of Award" was issued to Atnip Well & Pump Services, Inc., for the drilling of the test/permanent well. Work should start in Spring 2023.


August 2022:

* Three bids were presented at the bid-opening meeting on Aug. 3. Those bids will be reviewed by our engineers and they will present to us their recommendations. In addition, we have applied for an ARPA grant in the amount of $450,000 and are asking the WWDC to amend our project by adding an additional 24 months to the timeline and adding $300,000 to the grant. Because the land MtnX is on is for sale, we have filed an affidavit with the county to attach our well site to the land so the next owner will have to honor the agreement we initially made with Jason Stroh.


July 2022:

* At the pre-bid meeting for the well project on July 20, we discussed the need to apply for ARPA monies and for a Level III grant from WWDO. On July 21 we adopted two resolutions to that end and will be moving forward with both of those applications as the cost of the project has increased significantly since we started, especially with the current supply chain issues.


June 2022:

* A public meeting was held June 2 to set the FY23 tax assessment (which will remain at $450 per lot) and adopt the FY23 Proposed Budget. Meeting materials are available on the BWR ISD page.

On June 29, 2022, BWR ISD placed an advertisement in the local newspaper (Star Valley Independent) for the re-bid of Broken Wheel Ranch ISD Well #1 Project. Visit the BWR ISD page to download the ad. The pre-bid meeting will be held at the Don Wooden Center in Alpine on July 20, 2022, at 1pm. The bid opening meeting will be held at that same location on August 3, 2022, at 1pm.


April 2022:

* The BWR ISD Board met in an executive session on April 2 to discuss the one bid received and how to proceed. Given the unexpectedly high bid, it was decided to reject the bid and explore how to move forward. Notes from this meeting can be found via the BWR ISD page. In the coming weeeks, the Board will be actively pursuing all options for the continuation of the project. NOTE: The June 2021 estimated timeline for the project is, unfortunately, no longer valid.

* A teleconference was held on April 14 with State, Federal, Board, and Engineer representatives in attendance to discuss how to proceed. The project will be re-bid in late June with a tentative bid-open date of Aug. 4. Notes from this meeting can be found via the BWR ISD page.


March 2022:

* The pre-bid meeting was held on March 14; you can access notes from the meeting via the BWR ISD page. The bid opening meeting will be March 28, 1pm, at the Don Wooden Center in Alpine.

* The bid-opening meeting was held on March 28; you can access notes from that meeting on the BWR ISD page.


February 2022:

* Bidding for drilling of the test well began Feb. 23; the bid will run in the Legal Notices section of the Star Valley Independent newspaper for the next 4 editions. You can access the bid document via the BWR ISD page. It is our hope that the actual drilling of the test well will happen in late spring/early summer.


December 2021:

* BWR ISD is the new owner of Lot 1 (where the existing well is); we now have the land we need for the additional storage tank and the pump house. A HUGE "Thank You!" to the former owner of Lot 1 for working with us and making this possible!

* We are still awaiting final permission from WWDC to drill the test well; the test well will be drilled in 2022 (hopefully in early 2022).


June 2021:

 * We have an estimated timeline for the test well/permanent well construction. You can find it on the BWR ISD page. (Dec. update: this timeline is out the window now, because of the slowness of getting permissions and permits from DEQ and WWDC.)

 * Per Resolution 2021-3, we are temporarily increasing water rates to $50 per month beginning in July 2021 (increasing Operation & Maintenance fees from $12 to $30 to help cover potentional water hauling costs between now and completion of the well project).



General News and Information

Basic Cost Information: The annual dues for BWR POA are $1600, due in full each February (dues are mainly used for road maintenance) or via payment plan with final payment being May 1 each year; water is $50 per tap per month and may increase or decrease when water meters are installed and actual usage is measured; $450 per lot per year is assessed through the BWR Improvement & Service District and will be a part of your property taxes. Garbage removal and driveway snow removal are each owner's individual responsibility. Also, each home has its own septic system; it is recommended that you have your septic system pumped out every 2 to 5 years to avoid problems, such as sewage backup into your house.


No Trailers on the Wheel in the Winter: Due to the constant problems of trailers getting stuck on our roads in the winter months, all our roads are posted as TRAILERS PROHIBITED IN WINTER (Nov. - Apr.). We ask the vacation homeowners to please relay this information to all their winter renters. It has been suggested that renters can park their snowmobile trailers at the McCoy Creek parking area in the winter.


Firewise Programs: For those home/land owners wanting to learn more about being firewise, the NFPA has online programs which can be found here.


Power Washing/Outdoor Water Use: Many of our owners are concerned about power washing and outdoor water use happening on the Wheel. Because of our finite water situation, it is currently not allowed. As stated in the covenants, water is to be used for culinary purposes only. The well upgrade project will solve this problem, but it will be 2 to 3 years before we are there. Many thanks to those of our owners who use cistern water for their outdoor water needs! Please use the well water judiciously.

Dogs Left to Run Loose on the Wheel: Thank you to our owners for their cooperation on this issue. Please do not let your dog(s) run loose; they could get hit on the roads, they could follow walkers or bicylcists out of the subdivision onto the highway, they could cause damage to a member's property and/or pets, and/or they could innocently incite other members' dogs on the Wheel to bark and/or misbehave. Covenant #22 states:

For the safety of others and their pets, and for the respect of all members’ property and privacy, pets owned or cared for by a member are the explicit responsibility of the member. At all times the member or caretaker is required to contain such pets on the member’s property by whatever method so long as it is effective. All pets exercised beyond the confines of the member’s property are to be under supervision and effective control by leash, so that the rights of others are preserved.


Building on The Wheel. Please follow the Protective Covenants and Servitudes requirements for building, and submit any building plans to the Architechual Committee (see below for list of committee members) before finalizing your building plans.


What to do When the Power Goes Out. From time to time, the power in our area can go out; sometimes for just a moment and sometimes for an hour or more. In the case of a longer outage (hour or more), we ask that during the time the power is out you refrain from using water as much as possible. When the power is out, the well pump is not operating so the well water is not being replenished and any water used is not being replaced. Please keep this in mind when we have power outages. Thank you!



This is a reminder to all BWR owners that BWR POA and BWR ISD are two separate entities and cannot co-mingle funds. When you pay your dues, you are paying BWR POA. When you pay your water bills, you are paying BWR ISD. 


BWR POA is the property owners' association and is responsible for the roads and the CCRs. BWR ISD is the improvement and service district (a legal taxing authority of Lincoln County) and is responsible for the well/water system.


Please do not pay the incorrect entity when paying dues (BWR POA) or water bills (BWR ISD). Thanks! 


Each BWR POA owner with a home on their land receives an emailed bill monthly for $50 for water from BWR ISD. As a condition of our Wyoming SLIB/SRF loan, each homeowner must now pay per month for water use. Once water meters are installed actual water usage will be metered and the monthly bill will be the base fee (currently $50) plus $0.05/gallon for all usage over 10,000 gallons per month (this will be adjusted after we have a few months' history of use via water meters). You can pay your bill via ETF through your bank to the ISD's bank, or you can mail a check to BWR ISD, PO Box 3573, Alpine, WY 83128, or drop it by the Austin or Butterfield homes. You cannot, however, ignore the water bill and not pay it. The loan is predicated on the monthly water billing and the yearly tax assessment, which must be paid in a timely manner. Please pay your monthly water bill promptly. Nonpayment over several months may result in your water being shut off.


Also, please be aware that any outstanding bills on your property (water or dues) will cause problems should you wish to sell your property. All obligations to the POA and the ISD must be paid in full for the title of a property to be free and clear.


Motorized Vehicle Use

As stated in the Protective Covenants, "Use of the roads by all motorized vehicles, including motorcycles, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), are restricted to only entry and exit, as the roads are not to be used as recreational tracks or trails."


Water Usage 

All property owners are asked to be especially mindful of their water use during the compacted time frame of the summer months. Our Protective Covenants state that "All water for culinary purposes shall be drawn from the Association well or from individually drilled wells. ...No water from Broken Wheel Ranch water system may be used for irrigation of lawn grass." (Emphasis supplied.) As lawn irrigation or power washing of decks, house siding, or cars are not considered to be "culinary purposes" and can draw down the well storage tank and potentially cause problems for homeowners - especially when more than one household uses the well water in such ways in the same time frame, do not use the water for such purposes. Please use our well water judiciously, and remember it is a finite resource.  (Note: "Culinary purposes" refers to in-home use of water.)


For outdoor water use (for flowers/yards/gardens/greenhouses), and/or for power washing, you could install your own cistern to capture rainwater and use it for outdoor purposes. A cistern would benefit you by giving you a source for outdoor water and benefit the BWR homeowners by putting less of a strain on the well system. Possible local resources for cisterns are Falls Plumbing Supply in Idaho Falls, Cal-Ranch in Idaho Falls, Tractor Supply in Afton, and the Big R Store in Jackson.



President & Board Member: Mark Mosgeller (2-year term expires in August 2026)
Vice President & Board Member: Nick Cummings (2-year term expires in August 2026)
Treasurer & Board Member: Ada Austin (2-year term expires in August 2025)

Secretary: Dawn Manfredi (1-year continuing appointment)


BWR POA Committees

Roads Administration: Nick Cummings, Mark Mosgeller

Architectural: Dave Penning, Peggy Gwin, Juline Christofferson


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